Voon Football Pro Smart Rebounder - Pack of 4
Voon Football Pro Smart Rebounder - Pack of 4
Voon Football Pro Smart Rebounder - Pack of 4
Voon Football Pro Smart Rebounder - Pack of 4
Voon Football Pro Smart Rebounder - Pack of 4
Voon Football Pro Smart Rebounder - Pack of 4
Voon Football Pro Smart Rebounder - Pack of 4

Voon Football Pro Smart Rebounder - Pack of 4

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Take your football training to the next level with our Voon Football Pro Smart Rebounder pack of 4 rebounders, featuring four high-performance technological rebounders. Train individually or in groups and witness rapid technical improvement. These rebounders collect valuable training data and add a fun, competitive edge with built-in gamification. Stay agile and transport your skills wherever you go.


Sale price€2.299
Do you want to receive it as soon as possible? RESERVE YOUR SET NOW with a small deposit for the early 2024 delivery batch.
{"loading"=>"lazy", "class"=>"trust-badge-icon-img"} FREE SHIPPING
{"loading"=>"lazy", "class"=>"trust-badge-icon-img"} 3-YEAR WARRANTY
{"loading"=>"lazy", "class"=>"trust-badge-icon-img"} DESIGNED IN SPAIN
{"loading"=>"lazy", "class"=>"trust-badge-icon-img"} SECURE PAYMENT
Easy to set up
Lightweight and portable
Leg design for extra grip
Powerful rebound
Flip for high rebound



Place your rebounder in position, take the legs out and slide them in.


Insert and twist the Dot so it stays perfectly attached to the rebounder.


Launch the Voon Sports app and choose your favourite drills to start training.


As this is a new product, in the first instance, those who want a set will have to reserve it through a deposit with which they will be able to secure their set for the next deliveries, expected in early 2024. This will be the case only for a short period of time due to the nature of the process of launching a new product line.

The rebounder has a weight of 14 kgs and a size of 110 x 50 x 5 cm when folded. With the legs in place and ready to play, its size is of 110 x 50 x 48 cm. This makes it a product easy to carry anywhere you go. You should be able to fit it in almost any vehicle and take it with you wherever you go to train.

On both! Its legs were especially designed with a sawtooth shape to offer extra grip, which is equally effective on 3G and grass pitches.

The Dot’s battery lasts approximately 10 hours in normal usage conditions. As with any mobile device, you should make sure to charge them before using them to make sure you have them ready to go and fully charged before any session so you can get the most out of them. If a Dot’s battery died, you would still be able to use the rest, you will just need to select drills where you need to use the amount of Dots you have available.

The Dots require approximately two hours for a full recharge. You can use a mobile device as a reference when it comes to battery duration and charging times of each Dot.

You can connect up to 20 Dots simultaneously, which means that, for example, if you select an exercise where you need 4 Dots, you can add up to five groups, with a total of 20 Dots participating at the same time. The quantity of Dots indicated in each drill represents the amount of Dots necessary in each group, so you can form as many groups as Dots you have available of such quantities.